Showing posts with label Agile Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agile Philosophy. Show all posts

Sunday 10 August 2014

Why & what should Executives know about ALM?

Software product and services companies executives are involved in envisioning, developing, marketing and selling software or services around it. Here is why ALM needs their executive championship!

ALM provides a framework for managing application lifecycle as namesake.  It essentially begins with customer feedback or requests on some capabilities or techno or marketing realizing an opportunity to automate some processes or improving current capabilities, essentially to develop a new software application.  The Marketing team or like then conceptualizes the product as features and requirements, most times working externally with customers, internally with technology and customer support to define value proposition or differentiation.  Design and development iterations follow. Verification team then traces behavior of the software against requirements laid out.  The defects, improvements are done and software is released to customers. Customers use it, report functional defects and usability challenges. These gets fixed and released, with newer features in next iteration of the cycle.

This application lifecycle thus requires many shake hands across multi-functional team, involves numerous qualitative situations with go / no-go decisions, and even when some data is available it makes sources of challenges. This if not managed well, can act as serious stress causing agents for your team and at worst result into a fractured team that can go pear-shaped at delivering a quality software on time and under budget. 

A well-defined ALM can provide framework for managing application lifecycle as namesake while facilitating the use of software tool for visibility and transparency, application of standards for each phase of lifecycle and result into efficient quality development. 

Executives are best suited to champion the need for developing, implementing and continuous improvement of an ALM framework that defines roles and responsibilities, empowers the team and brings focus on quality delivery, on time and under budget.

Agile ALM for Enterprise
Current SoftALM combines JamBuster's experience of starting from waterfall software development lifecycle model, trying to use it with teams on multiple continents, and then moving to agile philosophy.  We then tried using tapestry of commercial applications to find out, they only partially covered ALM needs. Hence we began developing a flavor of application lifecycle management model, best practices and software tools that leverage agile for software enterprises.

SoftALM from JamBuster provides a process framework, best practices and the single tool for end-to-end management of the process with complete visibility.  The SoftALM process model focuses on creating a dream team that has ownership, deep knowledge of their products and pride in their expertise and work.  The processes, best practices and software tool are optimized to facilitate a predictive, high quality software delivery with in budget and on time! What more can we ask for in an ALM software?